Hi Blogville Friends, Monday is memories day and I will get into some memories but first I would like to say to Sweet William the Scot I tried to get to your blog yesterday and when you click on your profile page there is no web site or blog to go to so it is a dead end. Does anyone know Sweet William???? If you do please tell me how to get to him!! Please!!
I have told this story 2 times before but for the new friends of mine the story about the feeding of the coons and possums....... I moved to this half built house on 3 acres of wooded land 38 years ago this month!! This land was in a pretty wild state when I moved here. I paid cash for this land and half built house. Have never had a mortgage on this land!!
Word of advice do not move into a unfinished house b/c if you do it will never get finished. There was so much wild life living here!!!!!!!!!!! They were every where!!! Including in the house. I was afraid of them all too.
I had two young boys. Well not so young . We made do with what we had and we had raccoons and possums. I tried to shoe them away. I tried for years but in the end I realized they were a big part of what I bought. So I started to put some table scraps out back about 200 ft from the house.
In 75 I bought 2 and one half acres of chain link fence to inclose a lot of my land. Then there was a back fence and a gate to keep the wild animals out of the patio and land I THOUGHT !! No it didn't!! It did not ever slow them down. So I started buying 50 lbs of dog food and started to feed them out back of the fence. I have feed hundreds in the last 30 years.......
You get to know them and they get to know you. There is no possums or coon that will attack you unless they have rabies. In 38 years of living with them I have only seen 2 sick animals. One possum had rabies and when you see one you know it has rabies!! I shot that poor baby. One coon was sick with distemper . We took him to the vets!! He lived through is sickness and was so happy to be home and feeling good he was real friendly after that!! You could almost say he was a pet.
I do not touch one unless I have know them for years and then only to doctor a wound. I have doctored many over the years!!! They seem to know that I would not hurt them!!! In 38 years no one has ever tried to hurt me!! So I would say from my experience they are not as dangerous as people think.
I said I would get to memories but I think I have said enough for one day.
Love coming your way, Fern