Hi dear friends, the first picture is a sweet little girl's school picture isn't it?? That little girl is NOT a little girl any more!! She is celebrating her 27th birthday today!! My Grand-Daughter is 27 year old!!! It is hard for me to believe even tho I know it!!!

Then my sweet Bambi, waiting for dinner to get ready so she can share (my) dinner with her!! She loves dinner time. When Tom can 28 and a half years ago he didn't like me feeding Bruce from the table but I do that with all my dogs b/c I love them so much and want to share what I have with them!! Do you see the bandage on her right foot?? It is hard to see. She got a bobo on her foot!! Nothing serious!!!

My Japanese Magnolia tree!! Saturday's post has a prettier picture of the tree on it!!! This tree went from dormant to full bloom in just 4 days!!! They are sososo beautiful, but the blooms don't last but a few days. The blooms came out on Friday. I took the pictures of it on Saturday!! Today is, day three for the blooms to be out. Tonight it is going to rain (they say) if it dose the blooms will fall off!! If it doesn't rain some of the blooms will stay on for another day!! They are starting to fall off already!! It is too bad they don't keep their blooms longer they are so pretty!!
I need to stop all one day soon and delete a bunch of stuff off the computer b/c it is so so so slow now it takes hours to make a comment on your blog but I'll try. Please know I am trying!!
Love coming your way, Bambi & Fern