Above is our very old Happy. She is somewhere between 18 and 20 years old. She is in a lot of pain at times and doesn't walk much any more but we keep her going b/c she is still enjoying life and very happy most all the time. She loves her loving. It is very important to her to stay close and watch when we are cooking or at the computer desk. Of course if what we are doing takes more then 10 minutes then she falls asleep!!!! She is still a very Happy cat!!!!!
The above picture is of this years baby Issy. She is a little over 4 months old. The picture below is her Mother Abby. Abby is 2 years old and just had her first litter of two coons. She is the best Mother of all the mothers that I feed.....People say they can't tell one coon from the other. Can you see a resemblance between the two?? I should have entered Abby's picture in the tongue contest!! But it's over, I missed it!!
Bambi lypoma's lumps are staring the trip back down!!! It is a slow process.
Lynn of Rocky Creek Scotties has awarded me an award. It is the best Moms Doggy award.
I think I have that backwards it is best Doggy Moms award!! Thank you Lynn!! now I have to pick 8 good doggy moms to award them with this award!!! Oh fun!!!!
I am going to think about it for awhile.
Love coming your way, Bambi, Happy & Fern