Hi blog friends. It is beautiful here today!! Sun is out and it is 64 degrees and in the sun and out of the breeze it feels really nice!!
The picture above is my G-pa. My G-pa took care of me when I was little!!! He taught me many things. When we would go for a walk, it was a teaching lesson. When we would go for a ride in his car, it was a teaching lesson. He taught me to tie my shoes.
The picture below is G-pa & G-ma living in our big trailer. When we bought a house we gave G-pa our trailer. The dog in the picture is Penny. The dog I had after losing King.
I loved my Grandpa so much !!! He taught me to drive when I was 8 years old. He was always teaching.
I hope you have had a good week-end.
Love you all lots, Bambi, Happy & Fern