Sunday, January 31, 2010
Family Day and me when I was young

Friday, January 29, 2010
5 month old Jake and Amanda

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Bambi Late Afternoon and a Camellia

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Sweet Friends award and my inside fur family

I am an original, it has to be my way. That is a flaw in my character!!! So I probably will not do this perfectly right. I never do things perfectly right, not ever!!!
Ten things I like to do.
1- I love to spend time with my husband !!
2- Love to spend time with Bambi, walking her, talking with her, brushing her ect....... 3-Love to sleep with Happy up against my tummy.
4-love my computer !!
5- love blogging
6-love getting comments
7-love feeding the birds and watching them
8-love feeding the coons-fox-possums ect..........
9-love my Granddaughter
10- love my grown kids
Now I am suppose to pick others for this award, I am not going to do that. If you would like to take this award for something to blog about, please do!!!! It is all yours!!! Blog friends have learned something about me today!! Not a rule follower!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010
A Sweet Girl and an award

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Family Day

Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Part 2 - Christmas in Janurary
The other first is a Frisbee. She has never had a Frisbee before. She is very interested in it but can't figure out what to do when I throw it to her. She can catch a ball so I think she will figure it out !!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Christmas in January Part one
Monday, January 18, 2010
An Award from Stella, Gunther, & Betty

Sunday, January 17, 2010
My Grandmother and me

This is a picture of my Grandmother and me just one year before she died. She was 97 years old
there without a hair on her head. She wore this awful wig she got at a dime store when she went out. But when you can make it to that ripe old age it really doesn't matter. She lived to 98 and 10 months old. She died of a massive stroke, and the Doc. said she went really fast and probably didn't know what hit her.
She was a very sweet lady and my Dad and I really missed her.
Thanks for coming to read my blog!! I love all my blog friends so much!! You all mean a lot to
me!!! Come back real soon.
Love you lots, Fern
Friday, January 15, 2010
Our Fur Family

We are back in Fla. today!!!! Yey !! The temperature is up to 65. Now I normally don't think 65 is warm, but after 14 days of living in Boston weather 65 is real nice!!! It is not real sunny today, kinda overcast. We are suppose to have 2 to 3 inches of rain tomorrow!!
Above is our sweet Bambi, a 12 year old rescue dog that has lived in her forever home 11 years and 11 months.
Below is our rescue cat that has lived in her forever home for 12 years, Happy. She has that name because she seemed so happy when she first came here!!! When you got in bed at night she would come and sit on your chest and look down into your eyes and drool on your face while purring up a storm.

Miss computer is feeling much better today! She hasn't done any strange things!! Yay!!
Happy to be able to come and talk to you all today. Happy it is warmer, and happy it is Friday,
Tom will be home all day for 2 days!! I am happy today thank God!!!!!!
Love you all lots, Bambi, Happy & Fern
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
My birthday Clematis
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
A painting of Joker-- Picture of Joker-- A rose

Monday, January 11, 2010
Coons & A Baby Quilt
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Daddy and me and the little trailer

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Happy Pictures
Here is my Sweet Bambi !! This is the sweetest dog you will ever meet. She spends her life trying to please her family. It makes her happy to do something right. You tell her she is a good girl and she is so happy. When she does something wrong, she gets so sad and she will try to make up with you and she is so cute doing that, that you can't help but laugh and then she just wags her tail all over her body. She is a very special girl.

Bruce was another pleaser. He just wanted to please!!!! And boy did he !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He went to work with me every day. .When he needed to be sweet, he was and when he needed to be protective he was!!! I loved that dog so much.

I am happy with the hummingbirds that I get. I really don't need any more.

See you all tomorrow.
Stay warm, Bambi, Happy and Fern
Friday, January 8, 2010
January - 8 - 2010
Last night it did not freeze but was real close to the freezing mark. Already toay it is 33 and it is not noon yet. So no temperture change from night to day.
We are suppose to go down to 18 degrees tonight. When it is so cold you have to turn off the outside water. That means on hose to put fresh water out for all the critters. I don't know how you do it up north but Tom has a water tank and it is on a hand truck so it can be moved from place to place for the job everyday of putting out fresh water for all the critters. How do you do it up north ????
Sorry no pictures today.
Love you all, Fern
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Award on Jan 4th post
Monday Rocky Creek Scotties gave us an award! Tom and I have been learning how to follow the instructions every since. We have been working on the post and I was ready to post today. I clicked on publish post and it is in line with Mondays post.
I don't know how to get it up to todays post. Lynn do you know how to do that??
Friends that have won the award will not find the award on this page.
Anybody that knows how to fix this let me know and I'll try.
I love all my blog friends so much, you all are going to teach me how to use a computer!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Pretty Boy and Bambi
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Clematis and a Camellia
Monday, January 4, 2010
An Award form Scotties
for passing The Superior Scribbler Award to us. We are honored. And of course there are rules! And here are the rules: Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most deserving Bloggy Friends.
Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author and the name of the blog from whom she/he has received The Award. Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on her/his blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award. Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit This Post and add her/his name to the Mr Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor! Since there are in excess of 1300 winners, we expect most of you have already received it. If you have, please accept it again. Today we pass the award to:
1 is Vicky -- from L A Quilter
Vicky has a dog named Penny. Penny is very cute puppy.
2 is Chris -- from Cats on my Quilts
Chris has two cats that keep getting on her quilts.
3 is Jen --- from Cre8tive Quilter
Jen is a wife and mother and a very prolific quilter
4 is Phyllis -- from Crumbs of Happiness
Phyllis is a single lady who is out of work.. She is an animal lover and quilter and bird lover
5 is Tonya --from Lazy Gal Quilting
Tonya has 4 cats, The head cat has kidney trouble and Tonya has been taking Poky to the vets for fluid 2 or 3 times a week for many many months!!!
There I think we ( Tom & me ) have done this right!!! I hope any way. Thank you Lynn and Cecilia for your help and teaching us to set up links. It is not easy for me who has not even been on the computer a year yet.
I will see you all tomorrow dear friends. Love you , Fern

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Aunt Fern and her husband and me in the early 80's

The picture is of my name-sake and her husband and me in the early eighty's. Sunday is for family.
The answer to the question What is blooming ---- is the first picture is a tomato plant. Our tomatoes where cherry tomatoes and they have been WONDERFUL. We had such a very good crop this growing season. They are through for this growing season and we will start seeds in February for 2010 crop.
The second and third picture is jalapeno0 peppers. A man in the park where Tom has his shop gave him 6 jalapeno peppers in June because he bought the wrong kind of peppers. They are miniature hot peppers and they too have been wonderful in our stir-Fry's all this summer and fall and winter and are showing no sign of slowing down. There are in pots and can be brought in the back patio to keep them from being hurt from the cold.
You all did pretty good with some doing very well!!!!
Thank-you for playing! I love the plants!
Ms Sew ans Sew do you know how to be a follower ?? I could not find your follow button on your blog.
See you all tomorrow!! Leave a comment and tell me what you are thinking about.
Love you all Fern
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy-- Boss Kitty
Happy was asking for something to eat this noon when we were eating lunch. Tom snapped this picture of Happy. She is the boss of this household !! Today is our anniversary. She has been here 12 years today. 12 years ago she just walked up and said I have been watching you and, now I have chosen you to be my people.
If you are not a follower yet, please become a follower.
I love your comments, so tell me what you are thinking.
Come back tomorrow to find out what is blooming.
Love you all lots, Happy, Bambi and Fern
Friday, January 1, 2010
Guess what is blooming
This is my second post today. If you have not seen the earlier post please go back one because you will not want to miss another one of Tom's photo's.