Max and Allie

Max  and Allie

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wordless Wednesday--- pictures

Love coming your way, Circle, Allie, Max & Fern

Saturday, February 23, 2013

BIG Rain-- week end

Tallahassee got it's name b/c of the 4 hills.  The Indians named it Tallahassee.  We live on one of those hills!! We have had over 8 inches of rain so far this week-end and (they) say it will rain until Monday night!!!  We are suppose to have had as much as 20 inches of rain by then!!!  Flooding YES!!!
We don't flood here tho b/c Tom did a lot of work shaping our land to drain the water and he built 2 holding ponds also.  He did this when we were first married!!  He use to work in the yard all the time!!!
The cats are sleeping away the day so they can play all night!!!
Love coming your way, Circle, Allie, Max & Fern

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wordless Wedensday

Love coming your way, Circle, Allie, Max, & Fern

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday Memories

Memories on Monday!!!!!
I miss Bambi so very much!!!!  I miss  Zoie too!!!!!!!  Bambi was a mutt!!  She was  so smart tho!!!!  She was the smartest dog I have had!!!  (and ever will have)  You only had to tell her one time not to do that "NO"  She never did it again for the rest of her life!!!  Any of our 3 gates could be left open and she would not go through those gates with out you telling she could.  Even in the middle of the night!!! When I first got her, she and I went to a park.  On the way back in the driveway I stopped to get the mail just off the street and she started to jump out and I caught her in mid air and pushed her back in the truck and told her NO you do not get out of the truck until I tell you you can!!!  People For the rest of her life she would sit in the truck with the door wide open and not get out until you told her it was OK to get out!!! Everything you told her she remembered and that was the way it would be from then on!!!! She was the smartest best dog I ever had!!!!  She died in my arms June 3 2011 at 6:30 AM of heart failure!!! She was almost 14.  She was about 5 months when I got her from the local shelter.   I miss her even more then I miss Zoie!!!

Love coming your way, Circle, Allie, Max, & Fern 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


This use to be my Tom!!!!  Working all the time!!!  He was always doing something!!! Bless his heart he hurt himself 4 months ago now and he is not well from that injury but worse!!!!!!  Last week-end he was so bad he couldn't do a thing!!!!  Look at that beautiful healthy arm up there in that picture.
That arm now is not so pretty any more!!! He has been to a doctor and the doctor has said that he has to stop working for months and let it heal!!!  He can't stop working!!!! If he stops working there would be no income ---only a lots of expenses!!! We live from hand to mouth......  Our savings all went for Tom's surgery 2 years ago.  Business hasn't been good enough to get any more saved up.
Business hasn't been to bad lately.  Tom is working on a big job now.  Tom is having a hard time doing his work b/c his arm and hand and shoulder on his right is hurting so badly.  I feel so sorry for him but there is nothing I can do to help him!!!
Thanks for all your good wishes for Tom getting better-----but he isn't getting better, he is getting worse!!!
We need a wind fall of money so he can stop working and heal!!!  Maybe someone will come by and want to give us a bunch of money for this land we are on!!!!!  It could happen!!!!

Love coming your way,  Tom and Fern

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Kittens at 4 months old are almost as big as Circle

The kittens are almost as big as Circle is!!!!!!!  The kittens are 4 months and 10 days old and Circle is 9 months old and really fully grown!!!  These kittens have been getting a lot of exercise...  They have been getting lots of high quality  food!!!  I think it is showing!!!  What do you think???!!
I can tell you, they are very happy cats~~~  Even Circle is a happy cat!!!  Circle's thing that she loves the most is to sit in her Dads lap after dinner!!!!  She is in hug heaven!!
Poor Tom, he has worked very hard this last  week at work and he is hurting so badly he can't do anything this week-end!!  Poor baby is really in a bad way!!!!
Have a good Sunday dear friends!!!

Love coming your way, Circle, Allie, Max, & Fern

Saturday, February 9, 2013

It is 4 in the morning

I have been up all night!!!  The kittens are so full of fun and games!!  There favorite game is tear it up !!!!!!!!  Cats are so different then dogs!!!   Dogs want to please you!!!  Cat could care less if they don't please you!!!  They are only interested in pleasing themselves. They are very much in to their own world, very unlike a dog.
Sorry I don't have any new picture of them!!!  

Love coming your way, Circle, Allie, Max & Fern

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wordless Wednesday again already

Love coming your way, Circle, Allie, Max & Fern

Monday, February 4, 2013

Been spending too much time on the computer again!!

Good afternoon!!!  I am seeing all blurry again!!!  I have been spending too too too much time coming to your blogs and having so much fun reading them!!!  I so enjoy reading what is going on in your life but every time I do,,, this happen!!!!!  Everything gets blurry!!!!!   I don't want to!!!!! But will have to lay off the reading so much!!!  I should just be thanking God for any vision I have instead of  

complaining!!  So let me Thank God for being able to have a computer and being able to come at all to your blogs if not regularly some times!!!!!  Thank you  dear Lord for some vision!!! Thank you for my friends who are patient with me and continue to visit me!!!!!!  I love you dear friends!!  
Please come again even tho I have not been to see you--know I am thinking of you everyday!!
I have free long distance and can call anybody who would like to talk to me.  If you would like a call from me Email me your ## I'll call you!!

Love coming your way, Circle, Allie, Max & Fern

Saturday, February 2, 2013

It Froze last night

Happy week-end Friends!!!
That is Max and he is growing!!!!!!
I did lose some of my blooms but not all!!

Love coming your way, Circle, Allie, Max & Fern

Friday, February 1, 2013

Don't think it froze

This is still out there this morning!!!!!  We have another night to get through but all the blooms are still here!!!!  Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We use to have a thermometer that would give the highs and lows each day, but it broke and now we just have a regular one that is not right on the money all the time!!
 The week-end is coming and Tom will be home all week-end except for shopping and sometimes --not often, we go together-- maybe I'll go with him tomorrow!!  
We only eat out about 2 or maybe 3 times a year so shopping is very important.  We believe that you get much better food if you buy and fix it yourself.  One thing for sure is we are not as heavy as when we went out to eat 2 or 3 times a week!!
Have a wonderful week-end with your family even if your family is a fur family---they are just as important!!

Love coming your way,  Circle, Allie, Max & Fern