Max and Allie

Max  and Allie

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Another Hot Day

We are really getting very tired of days over 100 degrees that feels like 110 to 115 degrees!!!!!!
No rain in over 2 weeks!!! We are working hard to keep the garden going!!!!! The garden has slowed down but we are still eating tomatoes and peppers and herbs from the garden every day!!! This weather is so hard on everybody. The coons sit in their water a lot!!
Have a good week end!
Love coming your way, Bambi & Fern

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wordless Wednesday--- Oh a day late---- Happy

Happy !!!
We are melting!!! Happy is melting !!!
Love coming your way, Happy & Fern

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Abby's Two Babies

I have writers block!! What to blog about??? Well today I got the first baby coons pictures of this season. The adult coon is Abby. The two other coons in the pictures are Abby's two babies!!! I have not gotten close enough yet to tell weather they are girls or boys. Today was a very big step. Abby's babies will show the others that they can come and eat with their mothers without danger!!
We had a heat index of 115 degrees today .
Love coming your way, Fern and the coons

Friday, July 23, 2010

Seeing and Hearing

Have you ever thought about what a blessing it is to be able to SEE !!! I think about it everyday!!! To be able to HEAR !!!!! I think about these things everyday!!!!!! Why????
Because I am legally blind in one eye !!!!! Don't see too good out of the other!! When I look at the computer screen all I see is blur!! It takes my glasses and store bought magnifying glasses and a magnifying glass to see the screen!!!!!!!!!!! If I make an error please forgive me. I can't always see it!!! I am stone deaf in my left ear!!! If we are sitting and my left ear is facing you I can no t hear anything you say. I have to have my good ear facing you to be able to hear you!!!
Yes I need new glasses but we can't afford them. Tom needs new glasses too. Tom needs surgery more!! It is getting closer to his surgery!! Pretty soon!!
Heat is what we have today!!! I hope you all have the very best week end you can have!!!
Love coming your way, Bambi & Happy

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Today Is Don's Birthday!!!!

This cutie is my second born son!!! Today is his birthday. This is my professional cook. He has been working at one restaurant for probably 20 years. Not in town unfortunately. He says to me if I want him to cook for me come to the restaurant. We have been their lots of times and he has cooked lots of special things for us. Mostly desserts. He loves to bake and bakes all the desserts the restaurant sales.
Happy is a very old lady!! We don't know just how old she really is. The vet has guessed somewhere around 17 to 19 years. The vet has know her since 98. The first day of 98 she walk up to the front of the house and said she had come to live with us!! That was 12 years and 7 months and 22 days ago!!

Our Bambi!! This is the sweetest girl you will ever meet!!!! I can't say enough about how wonderful she is!! She behaves beautifully all the time!!! She never does anything wrong!!!
But then again she has been living a long time!! She is heading for 13 years old!!!!
Stay as cool as you can!!! It is hot hot here!!!
Love coming your way, Bambi, Happy & Fern

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 20th 2010

Hi blog friends,
Friends on the Internet are my only friends. Oh of course I have Tom. But he is at work all day long. The location of our land is a factor too. I live in the woods!! No close neighbors. The critters are my friends!! The coons, well the older ones know that Bambi and Happy are friends too!! They are not afraid of them at all. The babies freak out at the sight of me and Bambi though. Yes we have babies!!! No pictures for a while. They have to get use to me out there with them, then I can get a picture. So soon as I get one you all will know!!!
Love coming your way, Bambi, Happy & Fern

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday is for Family

Sunday is for family. This is a big part of my family. My first born son and his daughter. As it's turns out his only daughter Shawna. They are at my Mother's house delivering a birthday present.
I have such a pretty granddaughter!!!!!! She is a sweet girl too!!!
Love coming your way, Fern

Friday, July 16, 2010


Quilts at a quilt show. I wish I had gotten a better picture of this beautiful quilt. It would take your breath away!!! Well it took mine!!! I love to go to quilt shows. It is so exciting to see all the wonderful work others do. I could just go and go to quilt shows. But that is only a dream.
It doesn't look like I am going anywhere any time soon!!!!
Love coming your way, Fern

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Love coming your way, Bambi, Happy & Fern

Sunday, July 11, 2010

How does our garden grow ??

You tell me. How do you think our garden is growing??
Love coming your way, Fern

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Name Game --late late late

Thanks Frankie for the Name Game. I know I am late late!!!!! But here gos anyway.

Bambi my sweet rescue dog. She was left at the animal shelter in Tally town when she was just a little puppy. They found a home for her in just 3 days. In a week she was brought back to the shelter. It took a couple of weeks to find someone else who wanted her. It was a lady who had never had a dog in her life and the lady had just lost her husband and wanted a dog for company. She had Brandy for several weeks Had her spayed. Before the stitches were out she took her back to the shelter. Said she couldn't do anything with her!! I had called and asked about any dog who had Whippet or greyhound in them. They said yes they had a dog who was spayed and had a create that was part Whippet. They said her name was Brandy. I went and got her. She was so sick. I wanted to take her to the vets on my way home but couldn't. Had to wait for the next day. She was about to die with kennel cough. The vet said I got her just in time.
She is a wonderful dog!!! She always try to please!!!
Tom and I don't drink at all. We are tea totalers!! So instead of Brandy she is called Bambi.
This is Happy!! On New Years day 98. The first day of 98 this kitty comes walking up to Tom who was working out in the yard. She was talking up a storm!! She was saying Hi I want to live with you!! She came in had some food and has been here ever since. What to call her?? Well, it was very clear that she was very happy with her pick of homes. So I decided to call her Happy!
She is still Happy with her pick 12 and a half years later.

Bambi has been here 12 years and 7 months.
So gos the name game!!
Love coming your way, Happy, Bambi & Fern

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Tuesday after a holiday

A Christmas quilt in July. This is when people make Christmas quilt !! This is a quilt I saw in a quilt show in Jacksonville. Someone worked very hard on this quilt.
I have nothing to tell you today. I am very tired after a busy holiday week end!!! Tom was home for three days!! It was wonderful having him around for that extra day!!! He is such a nice man, my Tom!!!
Love coming your way, Bambi, Happy & Fern

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day !!!

Happy Independence Day !!!!!! The coons say and Bambi & I say~~ Hope you are having a ball with your fur babies and your human family too!!Be careful with fireworks !!!

Say a prayer for our men and women who are fighting for us now today and tomorrow!!
Love coming your way, Happy, Bambi & Tom and Fern

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wordless Wednesday -- One day late

Thanks for your visit!!
Sorry I was late!! Was going to do this last night and forgot!! I had a senor evening!!! lol
Love coming your way!!!
XXO, Bambi, Happy & Fern