Thanks Frankie for the Name Game. I know I am late late!!!!! But here gos anyway.
Bambi my sweet rescue dog. She was left at the animal shelter in Tally town when she was just a little puppy. They found a home for her in just 3 days. In a week she was brought back to the shelter. It took a couple of weeks to find someone else who wanted her. It was a lady who had never had a dog in her life and the lady had just lost her husband and wanted a dog for company. She had Brandy for several weeks Had her spayed. Before the stitches were out she took her back to the shelter. Said she couldn't do anything with her!! I had called and asked about any dog who had Whippet or greyhound in them. They said yes they had a dog who was spayed and had a
create that was part Whippet. They said her name was Brandy. I went and got her. She was so sick. I wanted to take her to the vets on my way home but couldn't. Had to wait for the next day. She was about to die with kennel cough. The vet said I got her just in time.
She is a wonderful dog!!! She always try to please!!!
Tom and I don't drink at all. We are tea totalers!! So instead of Brandy she is called Bambi.
This is Happy!! On New Years day 98. The first day of 98 this kitty comes walking up to Tom who was working out in the yard. She was talking up a storm!! She was saying Hi I want to live with you!! She came in had some food and has been here ever since. What to call her?? Well, it was very clear that she was very happy with her pick of homes. So I
decided to call her Happy!
She is still Happy with her pick 12 and a half years later.
Bambi has been here 12 years and 7 months.
So gos the name game!!
Love coming your way, Happy, Bambi & Fern