Two Special Wires gave this award to me and it was originated by her friend Petey. This award was also given to me by Dog Daze, Ms K.
For one you two are a blessing to me!! I love you both and treasure you both very much!!
All my animals are a blessing to me!!! I can't tell you how much they give to me. Nothing in the whole world is better than an animals love for you!!! Not all the money in the world.
My husband is a blessing to me. His love for me is just like an animals love. Unconditionally!!
My very old computer is a blessing to me. It has brought me all of you!!
My Lord is a blessing to me..... Everyday of my life....
My family is a blessing to me...
My health is a blessing to me. Praise the Lord, I am starting to get better from my fall last July.
Our fresh water that flows from our well is a blessing to me!
Our home that we own free and clear is a blessing to me.
I am so very blessed, thank-you so much for giving me this award and the opportunity of telling you all the many blessings that my Lord has given me.
I think I am suppose to pass it on to other people. I will think about that !!!
Please come and see me again soon.
Love all of my blog friends so much, Fern