Max and Allie

Max  and Allie

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sweet Friends award and my inside fur family

Madi and Mom and Dog Daze have given my this award. Boy my friends have been showering me with awards a lot lately!! Here gos. In the future, I don't follower direction well. When I have a recipe I can NOT follow it to the letter. I have to change it. The same with a quilt pattern.
I am an original, it has to be my way. That is a flaw in my character!!! So I probably will not do this perfectly right. I never do things perfectly right, not ever!!!
Ten things I like to do.
1- I love to spend time with my husband !!
2- Love to spend time with Bambi, walking her, talking with her, brushing her ect....... 3-Love to sleep with Happy up against my tummy.
4-love my computer !!
5- love blogging
6-love getting comments
7-love feeding the birds and watching them
8-love feeding the coons-fox-possums ect..........
9-love my Granddaughter
10- love my grown kids

Now I am suppose to pick others for this award, I am not going to do that. If you would like to take this award for something to blog about, please do!!!! It is all yours!!! Blog friends have learned something about me today!! Not a rule follower!!!

Here is a picture of my fur family out side on the patio, just hanging out. There are really very good friends. They LIKE one another!!
Thank you all for coming!!! I love company that I don't have to clean house for!!!!!!!!!!
Come back soon.
Love ya lots, Bambi, Happy & Fern


  1. Hi Fern, it's okay to do things out of the box! Congrats on your award, you certainly are a sweet friend.

    Stella, Gunther and Betty

  2. Hi Fern

    Wow, that award is pretty. Fun to learn more about you. Tucker will sort of do a high five. Love seeing your pet pictures.

    Heidi, Tucker and Daisy

  3. Khongrats on the award!

    Thanks fur sharing what woo did!


  4. CONGRATS on the award!!

    You have fun things that you like to do


  5. Congrats on the award - we love company we don't have to clean the house for too!!

    Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

  6. Good morning Fern,
    It's 7:06 a.m. here and the sun is barely coming up. On my days off from work Teddy will not ever let me sleep in. For him, this is late. But go back to work tomorrow, so will be getting up at 5:00a.m. ugh!& it' cold brrrr! outside.I've found 1 pattern on Google to knit bears in the round, which I like better than flat square knitting. I'm going to try that one.Also congrats! on the sweet friends award, YOU are a sweet person. And I have a sweet tooth, a whole mouth full. I might copy this award, also because I like the picture of cupcakes. Have been collecting cupcake items(a few)don't know why, I just like them. I bought a giant Wilton's cupcake pan awhile back to make family birthday cakes, for one thing. Take care and enjoy reading your blog & hearing about what's going on with you and yours. Tammy

  7. Hi Fern very nice post and great to learn 10 things about you. Have a good day,
    Madi and Mom

  8. Congratulations on your award, Bambi, Happy and Fern! We loved reading all about you, and we love your individuality. That's one of the best things about all of our blogging friends! We are all different, but we all have in common - our love for our furries and our love of the world full of furries and fuzzies and feathers.

    Enjoy your week!
    Jake and Fergi xxoo

  9. Hey, that's very good, Fern! I like company that I don't have to dust for!
    Congratulations on your beautiful award!

  10. Aww Congrats congrats!!

    We really enjoyed reading about you and we learned we like some similar things :)

    Happy Wednesday my friend..

    Olive's Mom and Licks from Olive :)

  11. Great job on the award!
    I like your style...nothing wrong w/ doing things "Your Way"!
    Sorry I didn't get by yesterday...I was w/out an internet connection most of the day-very frustrating!
