Max and Allie

Max  and Allie

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Our Rescue Dog Bambi

Really all my dogs have been rescue dogs. That is what is right for me. This little baby would have died if I have not come along when I did. That was 11 years and almost 6 months ago. Bambi will turn 12 years old sometime in October. We just celebrate the whole month!! She only has one problem and that is, she has started growing fleshy, fatty bumps. The vet says they are not dangerous.

Every night at dinner time this is what she does while we are getting dinner ready. She is busy too!!
I hope you liked the pictures. Thanks for coming to see us. We love our visitors.
Love you all, Bambi and Fern


  1. Zack is 11+ years old and he has fatty tumors too...they don't seem to bother him, so we're leaving them alone!
    Bambi is a lucky puppy to have you, Fern!

  2. Kit, We had about 5 of them removed but in just months they came right back. So they are going to stay. She doesn't seem to care.

  3. Bambi is fortunate to have you to love her. She has a beautiful shiny coat.

    Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

  4. Hi Fern,
    Bambi is such a pretty girl and so lucky to have a loving family.
    Madi and Mom

  5. I'm 11 and I have lots of lumps and bumps too,
    Bambi!You have a wonderful home and a mom and dad that love you and that's the best part!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  6. Hey Bambi - we know lots of older doggies who have the lumps-and-bumps... you have people who love you, and that's THE BEST


  7. She's so beautiful! What a helper she is while you are cooking dinner!
