Hi dear Friends,
Above a Baltimore Album quilt I saw and took a photo of in the big quilt show in Paducah Ky back in 99.

When I lost Amanda I made this vest in her memory. I wish I could make something for Bambi. We are talking tree in Bambi's memory . Maybe a pink dog wood tree.?

We use to have 8 to 10 hummers every year. Then 04 happened and we had one hurricane scare after the other all hurricane season. The hummers left that season and didn't come back for two years. Then when they did come back they came in fewer numbers. This year we only have two and neither is male.

Bambi Bambi Bambi why did you leave me????????????? When we first started our life together she had been adopted out 3 times before me. People had her spayed in fact she still had her stitches in her when I got her. People had bought her a crate and some toys and all that came with her when she came home with me that day. People kept bring her back to the shelter and I have no idea why. She was the sweetest puppy you ever would meet. She wanted to please so much. Probably about 2 weeks into our life together we were coming home from an outing and I stopped out at the mail box. I use to drive a Ford extended cab truck. I opened the door to get out and she came out and I caught her in midair!!!!! I shoved her back in the truck and said NO NO and she never again got out of the truck until told to, including she last trip to the vets 2 weeks and a day ago. One time was all it took!!! she was so smart!!
Love coming your way, Fern
I've only seen one hummer this year and it was at someone else's feeder. Haven't seen one visit my feeder yet!
ReplyDeleteOh honey, I know that dreadful empty spot in your heart and soul when a 'forever' furbaby leaves us alone. Sending quilted hugs to catch your tears in. Angie
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful vest! I'll bet Bambi would think a pink dogwood tree was a wonderful tribute to your life together!
Hi Fern :)
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of the dogwood too! I love dogwoods. I have only white ones in my yard!!
I think that is so nice.
I also LOVE that quilt. Someday I'm going to taking quilting lessons.
Have a nice and restful weekend my friend.
It is so hard when you have been so blessed with a great dog and lose her. Thoughts are still with you.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful vest in memory of Amanda. We bet Bambi would think a pink dogwood was just perfect, Fern!
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Fern, we have hummers up here too. They've been buzzing around for the last month or so. It's dreary and raining this morning but the farms are harvesting the first of the season's strawberries. Dad said that we're getting some tomorrow with ice cream when mom gets home. Yum, yum. I was looking at that beautiful vest and was wondering if you could make an outline of Bambi, similar to the one you have of Amanda and then put a little bit of stuffing in it, sew it up and then use some contrasting stitching to create a hanging ornament (like something you could hang from a Christmas tree). You could then hang it anywhere - rear view mirror in your car, in the window, in the hall...just a thought. Bambi isn't far away you know :)
ReplyDeleteHi there Fern!
ReplyDeleteI just started reading your blog, I love all the pictures you post and the stories you tell about your life. I really love that you talk about your dogs so much; they really are members of the family. Happy Sunday!
Hi Fern -
ReplyDeleteFirst off, that quilt is absolutely beautiful. I love Baltimore Album quilts, too, and will make one some day.
Your vest is really special. I think Bambi would love a pink dogwood, too.
We have hummers here, too, and only have two or three who regularly visit our feeder. However, they go through lots of syrup - as a matter of fact, I'd better get some made today. They go through a feeder-full every day.
I know you miss your Bambi so much and my thoughts are with you. Hope your happy memories of her can bring you some comfort. She was a lucky dog to have found you :o)
Hugs - Judie
Hi Fern.That's a beautiful vest in Amanda's memory. Our thoughts are with you.
ReplyDeleteThor and Jack xx
They leave holes in our hearts, don't they? We created a whole garden for our boy-dogs. It's way back on my blog - www.chanknits.wordpress.com