Max and Allie

Max  and Allie

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

am very much suffering


  1. We hope you feel better soon, Fern! We send AireZen and healing vibes and positive thoughts to you every single day!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  2. I saw on facebook about your concussion, Fern! I am so very sorry, but as Heidi said in the last post, you should bounce back, but you need to rest up and take it easy. That must be very frustrating for you!! Sending prayers for your quick healing, love, Caro xox

  3. Oh Fern, so sorry to hear that. We were hoping you would be feeling better.
    Take very good care of yourself
    Loves and healing licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. I do hope you are feeling much better now Fern. Hope you are able to blog soon. Hugs, Gail

  5. Hey Fern! I figure you and me are about the same age if you count mine in dog years, and I'm healing slowly but surely. I hope you are, too.

    Your friend,


  6. Goodness Fern, you are not broken you just need a little healing time. I haven't been online much lately and came over to catch up and found out about your fall. I hope you are beginning to feel a little better. Don't worry about the computer just take care of yourself.


  7. Take care - thinking of you and sendin hugs - woofs and licks from Magic xx

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