Max and Allie

Max  and Allie

Friday, January 25, 2013

Another Week-end~~~~Means Love!!!

Where does time go??????????????????  I think it is because I am getting so old that the time gets away from me!!!   I plan to do things and only about half get done!!!!  Do you know I do not know anyone older then I on the internet??  I am sure there is someone out there that is but I don't KNOW them!!! I am proud that I am on and am blogging and have so many friends ON THE INTERNET!!!

Week-ends around here are full of cuddling and kissing and saying I love you so very much!!!   By the time I was with my first Hubby I could hardly stand him in just 10 years!!!  Tom and I have been together everyday for almost 31 years and we still are crazy about each other!!!  I love the week-ends!!!! 

Love coming your way, Tom, Circle, Allie, Max &  Fern


  1. Enjoy your weekend, Auntie Fern!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  2. That is so sweet. Have a cuddle and kissy great weekend

  3. Hi Fern, What a sweet post! That is amazing that you are still in love so much after so many years. Enjoy your weekend dear friend!

  4. You and Tom are the perfect couple!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Happy weekend to you!!! Weekends around here are good but full of errands and chasing the dogs around! Enjoy your snuggles!!!

  6. As Paul Simon sang, "Still crazy after all these years." Hope there are many more crazy years ahead, Fern.

  7. Awww! Have a great weekend. BTW My friend's mother is 89 and she is on facebook!!!

  8. That is so sweet! So nice to hear :-)

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  9. You should be proud of yourself for keeping up with new things. I think that says a lot about your having a sharp mind and creative spirit. I'm so happy that you have Tom and Tom has you. A perfect pair.
