Max and Allie

Max  and Allie

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

She is afraid of bangs

Happy happy 4th of July dear friends.
We got an inch of rain last afternoon !!!!!!!  Praise the LORD!!!!!  Zoie has been with us 8 months today and yesterday in all that time we had had no thunder and lightening!!  But yesterday afternoon I found out just how afraid she was of loud bangs!!!  Then to top it all off after the storm people started setting off fireworks and we could hear them loud and clear.  Poor Zoie,  BIG Zoie,  jump the fence Zoie wanted to be between my legs all afternoon and evening!!!!  She was so afraid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well we have learned more about Zoie!!!!! 
Hope you enjoy your day today.  It is date night for Tom and I.  We have been having our date nights for almost 30 years now!!!!  Still look forward to them too!!!
Love coming your way,  Zoie & Fern 


  1. Freedom and Casper are scared of thunder and fireworks, so the last few nights have been lousy. Poor Zoie! We understand.

    1. I feel so sorry for the ones who are so afraid b/c they are really suffering. Bambi was never afraid of thunder or fireworks!!! I was so lucky!!

  2. Hi Fern, all of our guys hate loud bangs (fireworks mostly). Sam and Owen are also afraid of thunder and lightning cracks. We hope that you and Tom have a great evening.

    1. We have had a wonderful evening together.
      Knowing by the time I finished dishes the fireworks would going on Tom took Zoie for her after dinner walk, isn't he sweet??

  3. Stick close to Fern, Zoie. She'll protect you!
    Have a wonderful date night, Fern!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

    1. It was a very hard night for poor Zoie!!!
      We had a little bang bang storm and then the fireworks were really loud!
      Only 2 tenths of rain tho!!

  4. Fern, Happy 4th of July. It is so sweet that you still have date nights. Poor Zoie; all of our other dogs were also terrified of fireworks and I began to hate the neighborhood ones. I understand when town has them but still it is so hard on the pets. Our Hunter will be safely in his crate tonight while we are at a concert, music will be playing so hopefully he won't hear any.
    Hugs, Noreen & Hunter

  5. We feel bad for all the animals when it storms. I don't like thunder either and run to the basement and get under the recliner it's so scary.

  6. Happy Independence Day. I am not afraid of bangs. MOM says I don't even flinch. But I have friends who are scared of them. My friends peeps turn on the tv when the fireworks go off so they don't notice the booms as much.

    1. So happy for you Goose!! You don't have to suffer when there are fireworks or storms!!! I wonder what Justin would say about the dogs fear???

  7. Poor Zoie. I don't blame her for being afraid of the loud bangs. Fireworks and thunder send my cats under the bed. They won't even come out to eat!

    1. Our Tiny was afraid of the bangs too and she would hide under the bed for hours even after the bangs stopped, just to make sure!! She has been gone now for years!!!

  8. I know how hard it is when your best furiend is so afraid. I hope Zoie did OK with all the fireworks today. And, happy date night! I'm sure you and Tom did something special.

  9. Aww.. poor sweet Zoie. Gracie doesn't like the booms and bangs either.. Hope you had a great 4th. blessings, bobbi and gracie.

    1. Happy 4th to you and poor Gracie!!! Hope Gracie didn't suffer too much while the fireworks were going on!! Zoie was not happy about them!!

  10. Dont worry Zoie, I am afraid of them too.
    We got your phone message and we will give you a call back
    Happy 4th


  11. Oh yes...the booms scare us too...well me anyway, Shane couldn't care less...she's just Crazy Shane!! Enjoy your date night!

  12. Fireworks can be very scary.
