Max and Allie

Max  and Allie

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Why did you start to blog?????????????????????????                      I started to blog to reach out to others of the same kind of mind as mine.  Others who LOVE LOVE LOVE ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not  to comment!!!
SO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ from now on I am going to answer you right here on my blog or in email.  I am old and tired and this has become too much work so I am going to simplify it this way.

I hope you will not be mad a me and I hope you understand.  I really really can't see very good!!!!  I am trying to save what little sight I have left.
I do love you all so much!!  I really don't want to lose you!!!

Lots  and lots of LOVE coming your way, Happy, Zoie & Fern

PS-- Tom had a wonderful dinner and dessert and he got lots of good snuggles and kisses and he went to bed a happy man!!!!  He thanks you all for his birthday wishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Well, that sounds like a plan! It's your blog and you should be able to enjoy it however you want. Go Fern! :) x

  2. Hi Fern and Zoie, I so understand why you'll be changing things a little-like you said, eyes are so precious and you don't want to lose what you have.
    Hugs today.
    Noreen & Hunter

    1. Hi Noreen,
      How is Hunter working out???
      You are so right!! Save what I can!!

  3. That is perfect Fern. I always say " Whatever works for you"! I do have a few problems with my eyes so I understand. Glad Tom had a great birthday! Hugs to you, karen

  4. Sounds like Tom had a fantastic birthday!
    You update your blog when you can and don't feel bad about not commenting. :)

  5. Hi Fern, we're here and will go with whatever works the best for you. We're glad that Tom had a great evening.

    1. Yes Tom ended up having a great birthday in spite of him!! lol
      I will miss going to your blog but I just have to do this at least for a while!!
      Thanks for understanding!

  6. Your new plan works for us, Fern. We want you to stay as healthy and happy as you can forever! We're so happy that Tom had a special day.

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

    1. Love ya lots too Mitch and Molly!!!
      Thank-you Sweet Sue!!!

  7. It’s a good plan, Fern. You need to do what ever’s best for you xox

    1. I need to spend so much less time reading.
      Way too much eye strain!!!! Thanks Carolyn.

  8. Sounds good. You have to save your eyesight it's the only pair of eyes you will ever have. Hugs.

    1. Mario, I only have one eye that has sight.
      I was born with no sight in my right eye. All my life has been hard on me b/c of that. Now my good eye that has never been real great is failing and it is hard to read as much as it takes to come to all your blogs and comment. I love reading your blogs but it is too much for my one failing eye to handle.

  9. Sounds like a good plan to me, Fern.

  10. Hi Fern! Aww... bless your heart... no worries! Blogging is supposed to be fun and not a job. Do what feels right to you, and everyone will still love you and enjoy your blog :-)

  11. Hi Fern! I totally agree with the others! Blogging isn't supposed to cause any stress, but you're supposed to enjoy it--Do what you enjoy and just know that I'm not going away because I so enjoy our friendship!! I'll look forward to catching up with you soon--I work this Thursday (I was off today) but maybe we can catch up via phone over the weekend! I'm sending all my love and good thoughts to you!! Take care!! :-)

    1. I'll try to catch you sometime during the week-end OK??

  12. Sounds like you have a good plan for what is best. Give Zoie a nose poke for me.

  13. Hi Fern! You just keep writing and don't worry about commenting or even replying. I just enjoy hearing about Zoie and what's growing in your garden. You won't lose us.

  14. Hi Fern, we don't need you to comment to know you are thinking of us! We love to read your blog and that's all we need. You take care of yourself, that's the most important thing. Glad to hear Tom's day was wonderful. Hugs to you all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory (and Carol)

  15. Take it easy, Fern. We understand and we love you a lot too. So glad that Tom had a good day!
