Tinker is a very immature one year old. She is not house broken!! She doesn't know how to walk on a leash!! She doesn't know her name. She is going to wear out this old lady. When she came it was raining. It rained for another 2 hours and then when we went out to walk it was so wet and buggy. We had had 4.3 inches of rain! I didn't get but about 2 hours of sleep last night.
Happy does not like her b/c she is so so puppy!! Happy doesn't trust her sharp quick movements. Happy is not happy!! Tinker has not acted anything but curious about her so far. We have a lot to teach and a lot of love to give.
I probably will not be on the putter much for a few days.
Please don't forget me, Fern & Tinker
Oh oh. I foresee a very very exhausted Fern. But I'm sure Tinker will adjust in no time! I hope Happy will learn to accept Tinker too.
ReplyDeleteHope she doesn't tire you out too much, Fern, but I hope she makes you feel young.
ReplyDeleteHeidi, Tucker and Daisy
I think Tinker will be fine in the next few days. Hope Happy will accept her soon. Tinker is a cutie, she is so lucky that she has found you.
ReplyDeleteDon't let yourself be too tired, Fern!!!
If anyone can help Tinker, it is YOU!!!!
ReplyDeleteTinker doesn't know how lucky she is!
Hugs to you both,
Hi Fren Tinker is a beautiful puppy and we expect she is very smart too. She will be eager to please you and learn quickly.
ReplyDeleteOlder pets take time to adjust to young whipper snappers.
Hugs Madi and Mom
Thinking of you, Happy. I hope the transition isn't too painful for any of you.
ReplyDeleteWelcome, Tinker!
Hi Fern, my dad says that he understands that Tinker and all that she brings might be a little overwhelming for everyone right now but it'll pass. What you'll remember down the road is that everyone learned how to live with and love each other. Yes, it's a lot of work but through fate and happenstance, you have Tinker and Tinker needs someone kind and understanding that'll teach her what she doesn't know. Teaching takes time but with a gentle hand, some time and a good measure of love - you'll have a great furry kid. Okay Fern? Tinker needs a home and a kind person and I think you're that person. Smiles.
ReplyDeleteOh Fern, Tinker is so cute!! You will have the patience and love to teach Tinker!! She will want to please you and Tom. Happy will come around in time. JAzzi diddnt like Addy at all but they are best of friends now. Just Love Tinker and you two will be fine!! Oh and grab some sleep when you can!! LOL
Diana and Jazzi and Addy
Take your time posting updates, Miss Fern. We'll be here. And please don't wear yourself out!
ReplyDelete-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby
Hi Fern, I am glad you posted the reality of a puppy-helps me remember what we might face down the road. Tinker looks so gentle and loving though and I know she'll learn the ropes of your home quickly. Just a bit of love and patience and before you know it everything will be fine. I'll be praying for no more rain. Hang in there my friend.
ReplyDeleteLove, Noreen & Reggie
She's so cute, Fern. Does she have Vizsla in her? She reminds us our our cousin, Miss Jenna! We bet she calms down a bit once she gets used to you and Tom and her new home and surroundings. Have patience!
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Miss Fern, Mom says that when I came here, I was a nearly perfect puppy, but there was one problem. I had never been on a leash before. Usually we Greyhounds learn our leash manners at the track, and I never went there. It led to some very frustrating times that first summer, and we didn't do many walks, which really upset Mom. However, she found the Freedom Harness from Wiggles, Wags and Whiskers and it taught me how to walk like the young lady I am. It's not like a regular harness, and those actually encourage a lot of dogs to pull more, it's got brakes on it. You can get them from 2 Hounds Design. Mom says it was some of the best money she ever spent!
I have been meaning to drop you an e-mail, but life and all its events has made me a little busier than I like to be. But I wanted to tell you how glad I was to read that you've opened your heart and home to a special pup like Tinker! You both are going to make a difference for one another! I know it'll all come together quickly and I can't wait to read all about it!! TAKE CARE!!
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping Tinker is smart and a fast learner. I just know things will work out!
ReplyDeleteI know that with some time & love Tinker will learn where she fits in. We'll be here!
ReplyDeleteNubbin wiggles,
give it some time...just imagine how nervous he is too. You just keep loving and eventually you will be rewarded!
ReplyDeleteHope you survive the house breaking lessons. It can be tiring to take them out every few hours. Hopefully with lots of praise, Tinker will be a fast learner!
Wyatt's Mom
Hello there Tinker... i bet you are just sniffing out your new home... and i am sure it is a wonderful one.
ReplyDeleteHang in there Fern.
That is a cute lil fellow :D My first dog when I was a wee little lad was called Tinker. Unfortunately, he was run over by a silly bus driver :(
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping by my blog :D
I know exactly how you feel--I have one crazy dog too. Keeps me active though, so that's a good thing. Have fun training her--sounds like she's a sweetie and you'll have her in shape in no time!
ReplyDeleteBut she is a beautiful dog!! You can teach her, and she can learn a lot from you. Once Tinker calms down a bit, Happy might come around. I am excited for you!
ReplyDeleteBest of luck with Tinker Fern. I do hope you all become a very happy family together.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Gail, Mistaya and Maggie
Hi Fern,
ReplyDeleteTinker is adorable. Yes, she'll be loads of work and cause a little stress for Happy (and you), but it will pass. Tinker will learn the rules of her new home and Happy will adjust...or not.
I fostered over 40 dogs in 8 years and it was hard work, but so incredibly rewarding!
I'm glad your doing this!
Awww! Don't worry, Fern! I'm sure Tinker will learn the routine soon enough. :)
ReplyDeleteWoofs & hugs, <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)