My dear blog friends. I just am working too much. I am so tired. When I come to your blog it takes me 30 minutes at least to load and comment and that is if there is no trouble with loading your comment frame or pictures. So in 1 hour I have gotten to 2 blogs. I wish I had more time for you guys b/c I care so much for all of you and there is nothing I love to do more then talk with you!!!! BUT Tinker is here and she takes up loads of my time. In the photo above Tom is training her to like getting in his lap and be handled especially her feet.

Then there is cooking and cleaning and I hate to clean and do as little as possible!!!
It has been so HOT here !! Feel like tems have been over 110 for days and days and days!!!!!! My poor Tom works out in that feel like tem 12 hours a day 5 days a week. Thank God for the weeks end and AC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you all have a great week-end! Be happy!!! Love who you are with!! Enjoy!!
Fern & Tinker
Hi Fern -
ReplyDeleteWhat a pretty girl Tinker is!! She looks like she's settling right in. I know how it is having a new pup, but do try and get some rest!! Hope you get some heat relief soon - it's finally cooler here and I was able to open up the house yesterday and turn off the AC. We'll see how long that lasts!! I'm looking forward to fall :o) Take care -
Judie, Duncan & Hamish
I'm sure you and Tom are hoping for a cool spell soon. It's been terribly hot in lots of the US this year. Tinker is coming along really well--I well know how much time it takes when they are young!
ReplyDeleteThe weather sure is hot. We've had some electrical work done at home and the gate painted so it's been very tiring and I'm exhausted by the end of the day, after having to supervise and clean up...
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your time with Tinker and Happy!
Yesterday was beautiful, but today it's warmer again. Don't worry about us... you just enjoy that young bundle of energy!
You sound super busy, Fern! We love to see what's going on in your life so we say, don't worry about commenting on the blogs - just post to your blog. This is just our opinion.
ReplyDeleteTinker is a beauty!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Fern, I'm with Maggie and Mitch, I think that you should just worry a bit about posting to your blog. We'll all check-in there to see how you, Tinker, Tom and Happy are all doing. Don' worry about trying to keep up with reading and posting on our blogs. My dad's out of town right now so my mom's looking after the four of us. We're trying to be good until dad gets home soon. So, don't stress about us. Look after your family and we'll check-in on your blog. Okay? Now slow down a bit.
ReplyDeleteHey Ferne,
ReplyDeleteWe're on vacation so haven't been around much. So glad things are working out for you. Tom, Happy and Tinker.
Lynn and The Rocky Creek Clan
Oh Tinker looks great!! DOnt worry about getting to our blogs, we just like to keep up with your doings. Take care, get some rest when you can and keep cool and thats an ORDER!! from Jazzi BOL
Jazzi and Addy
I am so glad Tinker is learning so well. Don't worry about catching up on all the blogs. Just get a little rest and have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteFern, you take care of your gang & comment when you can. We will all still be here!
ReplyDeleteNubbin wiggles,
Oh Miss Fern, The SECOND Picture of Tinker and Tom... shows her face from a different angle... In THAT pic. I can see why they may have thought Dachshund.
ReplyDeleteDo NOT worry about the comments.. Just relax and enjoy your time with Tinker and Tom and STAY COOL... if Pawsible.
Tinker sure is cute!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry it's still so hot for you! We're finally having some really beautiful weather here and I plan to make the most of it!
Hi Fern, Tinker looks small on Toms lap. Hope the weather breaks for you soon.
ReplyDeleteHave a good week and most of all have fun ;)
See yea George xxx