Max and Allie

Max  and Allie

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday memories

This is our home grown turmeric!!!  You can buy it in the grocery store, you don't have to grow it.  You can find it close to the fresh ginger.  This stuff is SO  SO  SOOOOOOOO GOOD for you!!!!!!!!
it taste good too!!  The herb can be bought in the spice counters.  You can get it at the Vitamin shop in pill form too!!  It makes you healthy!!!!!!!  Try it you will love it!!  Just one thing it does for you, and it does so much, is take away your inflammation.
Allie girl!!!  She has become so very loving.  I can not go to the bathroom with out her getting in my lap to help!!!!   LOL
Circle another very loving girl and always close to me!!!  She has gotten to heavy!!!!!  She needs to lose wight!!!   She wants to eat all the time and everything...    Everything she loves to eat too!!!!
Just one of our many many Camellias.

Have a good week!!
Love coming your way, Circle, Allie, Max and Fern


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cuties! We never saw a plant like that!
    Lily & Edward

  3. I like the smell of turmeric, I saidly can't raise one of this plants, they always die. Do you have any trick how we can remove the camellia flowers what are fallen off? they always get slushy and its nearly impossible to remove them with a shovel. Have a super day!

  4. It is so neat that you guys grow your own herbs, spices and foods. That is wonderful.

  5. The turmeric is beautiful! Guess what? Mom say camellia's in Seattle and she had a hard time wiping the smile off her face, Auntie Fern!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  6. I love that you grow you own herbs Fern. The fresh turmeric is probably much better than what I buy in the store.
    I can't go anywhere in the house without at least one cat coming along to see what's happening. Adam like to drink from the bathroom faucet.
