Max and Allie

Max  and Allie

Friday, February 1, 2013

Don't think it froze

This is still out there this morning!!!!!  We have another night to get through but all the blooms are still here!!!!  Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We use to have a thermometer that would give the highs and lows each day, but it broke and now we just have a regular one that is not right on the money all the time!!
 The week-end is coming and Tom will be home all week-end except for shopping and sometimes --not often, we go together-- maybe I'll go with him tomorrow!!  
We only eat out about 2 or maybe 3 times a year so shopping is very important.  We believe that you get much better food if you buy and fix it yourself.  One thing for sure is we are not as heavy as when we went out to eat 2 or 3 times a week!!
Have a wonderful week-end with your family even if your family is a fur family---they are just as important!!

Love coming your way,  Circle, Allie, Max & Fern


  1. Hoping no frost comes your way! I hope you and Tom have a wonderful weekend and a good shopping trip. I need to figure out what we're having for dinner tonight. I'm not a good planner when it comes to cooking. I'm usually scrambling to come up with something every night.

    1. I have tried to comment on your blog 3 times today and it keeps saying comments are closed?????

  2. I'm so very happy your flowers survived. I was pretty sure they would as things survive up here. Have fun shopping,.

  3. HI Fern,
    My mom said it was cold in Florida last night, it was 32!! I don't think it will get up to 32 here today...brrr!!
    Your flower is so pretty, hope it avoided the nip. Have a great weekend.

  4. Our paws are crossed that your beautiful flowers don't freeze, Fern!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  5. Have a great weekend, Fern xox Sorry I've not been around much, but too much going on here!! xx

  6. I hope we don't get any freezing temps. So far the lowest it's gone here at night is in the 40's. Our orchid tree is still surviving so far.

  7. Hi! I'm behind on blogs, but catching up. We hope it starts warming up for you.


  8. I sure hope you don't get that frost! It's so hard on those tender blooms.
